Tuesday, August 30, 2011

21 weeks!

21 weeks!
(sorry for the bad cell phone pic!)

How far along? 21 weeks, 2 days

How big are babies? PB & J are about 10.5 inches long and are weighing in at about 1 lb. each

Total weight gain/loss: Up 16 lbs or so...depends on what time of day I weigh. I like to go with the "first thing in the morning" weight! I mean, that's the most accurate, right??

Maternity clothes? Of course. And I'm really ready for some fall clothes and more importantly fall weather!

Movement: Lots of movement...and I'm starting to be able to see it from the outside which is super weird.

Waist Diameter: I should just take this category off because I can't seem to get around to doing this.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular right now.

Gender: Boy and Girl!
Labor Signs: None!

Belly Button in or out? Still in...

What I miss: Good sleep. Between waking up to go to the bathroom and the random pains that come with my body stretching so quickly, I feel like I do a lot of tossing and turning.

What I am looking forward to: Jason feeling the babies move. They are being shy when he puts his hand on my belly but I know pretty soon they'll be moving so much they he wont be able to miss it.

Milestones: Making it past the half way point!


Anonymous said...

yay!!! you are SO adorable :)

Beth said...

You look so great Jami! So fun that you are feeling them move lots~

nbjenni said...

love the dress!

Tinsley Maness said...

Loving that profile!! You look great! :)

quite contrary said...

you look so beautiful! I love you!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute! You are shaming other pregnant women! :)
