Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

-I was planning on sharing my Shrimp & Grits recipe today, but I completely forgot to take a picture of it last night. And what's a recipe post without a picture? I'll try to remember to take one when I heat up the left overs. :)

-Today is my Friday! WOOOHOOOO!!

-I have lunch with my besties today (except Mare...we'll miss you!) and I can't wait!

-I really need to get my butt in gear when it comes to working out. Bathing suit season is RAPIDLY approaching.

-On that note, I ate a brownie for breakfast. Apparently my definition of trying to lose weight is eat whatever I want, work out very little and just hope that the pounds magically disappear. Good plan.

-Also, the amount of candy we have in our office right now is not helping. I have no self control.

-I'm really excited about Easter service this weekend at Newspring. It's going to be AWESOME!

-I can't believe that April is almost over. This year is flying by...crazy!

-Ants are eating my strawberries in the garden and I am not happy about it. Any suggestions for what I can do about that?

-We're going to have 4 dogs at our house this weekend. This should be interesting.

-I was a little disappointed in Idol last night. And I think it's time for Steffano to go home. What do y'all think?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ABC's of Me

I've seen this on a few other blogs so I thought I'd join in the fun...
A. Age: 28

B. Bed size: King. Thankfully...since we periodically have two large dogs in the bed with us.

C. Chore you hate: Um, LAUNDRY. Without a doubt the worst chore in the history of the world.

D. Dogs: Sydney and Miller! I love dogs and am known among my friends as the "dog whisperer". :) Everytime I see a stray dog, I have to stop and try to get it back to it's home. 

E. Essential start to your day: Breakfast and the Today show. GMA does not work for me. Once I get to work, it's checking blogs and Facebook.

F. Favorite color: Blue

G. Gold or silver: hmm...I can't pick. So both.

H. Height: 5’4

I. Instruments: Piano

J. Job title: Marketing Coordinator

K. Kids: Other than my dogs? None yet. :)

L. Live: South Carolina

M. Mom’s name: Shari

N. Nicknames: Croutons, Jame

O. Overnight hospital stays: none, thankfully!

P. Pet peeve: People who just drive around with their blinker on

Q. Quote from a movie: Don't you bite your lip!

R. Right or left handed: Right

S. Siblings: two younger brothers

T. Time you wake up: Weekdays - somewhere between 7:15 and 7:30, Weekends - as late as possible :) (which usually ends up being 9:30)

U. Underwear: whatever is clean :) (see least favorite chore)

V. Vegetables you dislike: hmm...beets or radishes

W. What makes you run late: the fact that I wait until the last possible second to get in the shower

X. X-Rays you’ve had: don't think I've had any

Y. Yummy food you make: Shrimp and grits...which I happen to be making tonight. YUM!

Z. Zoo- favorite animal: This is a tough one...but either elephant or giraffe

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wish List Wednesday: Spring & Summer Lovin'

Is it just me or does everyone else look in their closet each new season
and wonder what the heck they wore last year?

So, with that said, this pretty weather we've been having lately has got me
itching for some new stuff for spring and summer.

Here are a few of my top picks:

I'll take one of each of these lovelies in my size, please.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Houston, we have a Strawberry

Last year, we planted 3 strawberry plants in our garden and had zero luck with them. They were too low to the ground and everytime a strawberry would start to ripen, it would just rot. :(

But look what I noticed when I was home for lunch today:

A perfect little strawberry!!

Hopefully, this is a good sign and we will have lots more of these in the next few weeks.
Fingers crossed!

Monday, April 11, 2011

FYI, ladies...

Just so you know. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Rock Hill Wedding & A little bit of Chicken Fried

As I promised, here are some pics from the wedding we went to last weekend.

The guys at our table at the rehearsal dinner...

After the rehearsal dinner, we headed to a classy establishment
right outside our hotel called the Fast Lane to meet up with the girls.
Thank you Aimee & Jenni for ruining our cute picture. :)

Chad and Tate

Jason and Tate
Bromance, anyone?

Me and the hubs after I spilled almost an entire beer in my lap. So graceful.

And here's a few from the wedding:

Evan photobombing me and Ashley...typical

One of my new favorite pics of us...he looks so handsome in a tux

The (partial) Fine Nine

Me, Ashley and was a little cold which is why we are all swaddled in our wraps :)

Chris, Lindsey and Tate

Us with Emily and Brandon

Kenny and Kari

One with the gorgeous (and teeny tiny!) bride
I had to squat down so I wouldn't be 6 inches taller than her!

Let the dancing begin!

And this weekend, we're going to see the Zac Brown Band in Clemson. I'm pretty excited about it! The last time we tried to see him it was at an outdoor amphitheater and it got ruined by a terrible lightening storm after he played about 5 songs. Right now, the forcast is saying we have a 40% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. Did I mention that once again this is an outdoor concert??

Come on, weather! Don't do this to us again!!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you're weekend fun doesn't get rained out! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm like a bird

Do you see that funky little purple feather?

I got my hair cut on Tuesday and apparently this is the new "thing". So I thought...why not? My hair is straight and boring so I thought this might add a little fun.
And you know what? I love it.
And I kind of want another one. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

So this is first blog award!!  A big thank you to one of my favorite bloggers, Megan at Peek through our Window, for nominating me for the Stylish Blogger Award!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

And, here are my 7 things:

1. I have to have a glass of water on my nightstand every night before bed...even if I only take one sip. This usually results in having a collection of glasses on my nightstand throughout the week.

2. I love naps. Weekend afternoons are the best...but sometimes I'll even squeeze one in on my lunch break.

3. I have crooked pinkies. It runs in my grandfather & my dad have them too. I am very curious to see if any of our children will have them.

4. If we were ever to have a vacation home, my top choice would be a lake house.

5. I have a huge fear of someone breaking in my house and getting me. When I come home to a dark house by myself, I check every closet and behind all shower curtains...just in case. I usually make someone be on the phone with me for this process so if I do find someone, they can send the police. :)

6.  I have mentioned this before...but I dance in the car by myself all the time. And around the house. I love dancing period.

7. I wish there were more opportunities to wear your wedding dress. (even though I probably can't zip mine up anymore!) I just may have a "Wear Your Wedding Dress" party one day!

OK, I nominate:

Mary Lanier at Life in Stepps
Linds at Our Smith Story
Quite Contrary
Michelle at Ten June
Meredith at The Family Jewell
Danielle at New Adventures, Same Me
Allison at the Team Reed
Morgan at Miss Behavin
Kels at Prodigal Girl
Stefanie at The Mausser Family
Jennifer at The Foster Family

Friday, April 1, 2011

Flashback Friday: Miller as a Puppy!

This is the day we met him for the first time.
We had the pick of the litter and the breeder was sure we'd pick the biggest of the males.
But it was love at first site with Miller.
Just look at that cute little fat sausage puppy!!

He was probably about 8 weeks old in this picture. We brought Sydney to meet him on this trip to the breeders house to see him. We couldnt take him home until 10 weeks.


Finally home! Is that not the cutest puppy face you've ever seen?

He loved his big sister instantly. Sydney was not so sure at first...but he basically forced her to love him.

Syd giving the stink eye

But it didn't take long for her to warm up to him. 
Now they are BFFs.